5 Tips For Creating a Boho-Chic Home

5 Tips For Creating a Boho-Chic Home

Boho style is about the eclectic, but it's also about creating a home that reflects who you are. The look has evolved over time, but there are certain elements that are always present in a boho home. If you're interested in bringing some bohemian flair into your home, here are 5 tips for creating a boho style home:

  1. Find your inspiration

  2. Start with neutral colors

  3. Use light colored materials

  4. Make Use of Layers and Texture

  5. Display Decor in Unconventional Ways


boho decor moodboard

1. Find your inspiration

To begin your boho decorating journey, start by finding some inspiration. Look at photos on social media sites like Pinterest or Instagram, or visit the homes of friends who have a similar aesthetic to yours. You can even create a mood board with images that speak to you and stick it on the wall near where you plan to work so you can refer them while decorating.


neutral tone home decor

  2. Start with neutral colors

Use neutral colors like white, gray, beige or black as the main color in your home. Then add some colorful accessories like pillows, wall hangings and rugs. This will make the entire space look bright and cheerful without being overwhelming.


boho pillow covers

 3. Use light colored materials

Incorporating fabrics like linen or cotton into your décor is an easy way to add texture to your room while also creating an airy feel that works well with bohemian style decorating ideas. You can use these fabrics as curtains, upholstery fabric or even bedding too!


boho home decor items

 4. Make Use of Layers and Texture

Boho decor is all about the layers and textures. Throw a few pillows and blankets on your sofa and make sure that you have lots of pillows on your bed. When it comes to accessories, go for items that are unique, handmade or vintage-inspired.


vintage suitcases as boho home decor

5. Display Decor in Unconventional Ways

Use vintage suitcases as bedside tables. If you want something with more storage space, try using vintage suitcases as storage chests instead! You could also use them as coffee tables or side tables if you feel like getting creative!

Use old picture frames as vases. If you need someplace to put all those beautiful flowers from your garden, try using old picture frames as vases instead! It will give your living room an artsy vibe without breaking the bank.

I hope that you enjoyed learning about the steps I took to create a boho-style home. If there's one thing that I learned, it's that creating a home is an ongoing journey. Each day offers a new opportunity to try new things and have fun with decorating. So take life at your own pace and enjoy yourself along the way!